Thursday, February 26, 2009

Choose Your Poisen



Italy's historic Renaissance city suffers its worst floods in twenty two years." This quote is

exactly what i wanted to express in this article. Basically as you all know global warming is

causing many things (problems) for our world other than just simply making it hotter outside.

Please take a look at this article it will inform you on many different aspects of how global

warming has already affected our world. You can ignore it if you want, but the facts are their just

take a look if you dare. Better buy some sun screen!!!!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Does Something Smell????



a quote - "This Web site will help you learn the connection between human-made

Carbon Dioxide and rapid climate changes and negative effects around the world.

The hard fact is that despite what many nations, companies, cities and people are

starting to do to reduce their global warming emissions, the world is putting more

CO2 into the air than ever before. The current amount is 385 parts per million

(ppm) -- higher than ever in the past 800,000 years." This should be a concern for

everyone and unfortunately theirs not much we can do to prevent it. What i mean by this is that

we are so used to how we live now that by truly cutting back on these gasses and usage of certain

things it would be very "hard" for us to live comfortably as we have grown so accustom to. Again

please look at the article if you are interested in learning more about this topic thank you warren


Global Warming is Good???


(image from flickr)

A quote from the article. "There is also evidence that individuals, societies and economies can

adapt to warmer temperatures, Michaels said.Agricultural adaptations may allow corn to grow at

higher temperatures, he said, while crops like soybeans and sugar cane thrive in a hotter climate.

When heat waves occur with higher and higher frequency, there are fewer deaths during

subsequent bouts of high temperature, he added." Well this is very interesting. Im glad to see

that their are people looking at the bright side of things no pun intended lol, but seriously thats

all good but the bottom line is the world is getting hotter. This man by stating these facts is not

denying this but accepting it, and that it what scares me. thank you.

Were Going To Mars ????


(image from flickr)

a quick quote from the article that might catch your attention." Methane gas is the main

component of natural gas, which is used for fuel. Alternatively, it is also a greenhouse gas that is

25 times more powerful than CO2, and blamed for much of our planet's global warming

problems. Let's hope this discovery on Mars can only mean good things for us and our planet."

With this recent discovery of methane gas their is hope for life on mars, ans not to mention hope

for using this info to help aid our problem of global warming warming. Please take a look at this

article it is quite interesting thanks again warren.

The Economy --- Really????


(image from flickr)

Apparently people aren't as concerned as they have been in the past with global warming. A

quick look at this article will show that. This is simply because of the economic crisis our country

is in. So is this a good thing? I would say yes and know. Its good that maybe people are focusing

on bettering our economy, but if global warming is real, and it does grow at the rate it is were

gunna have alot more to worry about than our economy. Anyways thanks for keepin up with my

blogs, please take a look at the article so you can get a better understanding of where im coming

from with this info. Thanks

Monday, February 23, 2009

I choose this article piece to give you a glimpse into what this has to offer. It mentions how

animals particularly sea life will be affected, and it will have a major affect on the food chain. As

you can see once again global warming has become more abundant in the modern day, and

although people might speculate and n0t believe the proof is in the article, and the facts have

been building in my blogs. All i can say is better get your sun screen people cause its about to be

hot out a bit sooner!!!

Did You Know

This video was fascinating!

Its amazing to see how the world today is truly affected by the internet. From radios to TV, and now the internet it has reached virtually everyone in the world. This is incredible because our world can now keep in touch. The timnes have certainly changed, and who knows whats next. My favorite part of the video was the quote that said the time it took to watch this video 67 babies were born in America. lol amazing. I am staring to really enjoy blogging and the internet is truly a friend of mine.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

5 Reasons to Read This Blog!!!!!

(article here)
(image from flickr)

Wow hello again and thanks for reading up on my blogs. For those of you who are new. This is about a serious issue knows as "Global Warming". I have given quite a few examples of this and how it effects the world, but nothing quite like this. Please click the link you will be very surprised to see what information it holds. Out of all the reasons why we should be concerned with this topic here are 5 which i'm sure will make you just as concerned as I am. I will mention one that hopefully will get you to look at the rest. .

"Green house gases stay can stay in the atmosphere for an amount of years ranging from decades to hundreds and thousands of years. No matter what we do, global warming is going to have some effect on Earth. Here are the 5 deadliest effects of global warming."

"5. Spread of disease
As northern countries warm, disease carrying insects migrate north, bringing plague and disease with them. Indeed some scientists believe that in some countries thanks to global warming, malaria has not been fully eradicated."

Again the other 4 are just are serious, and i would appreciate it if you were to view them and give some comments. Thank you again

The Gift And the Curse

(article on temp)
(image from flickr)

As we continue on our journey through the warm climate issues of global warming i found it only right to discuss the issues of temperature changes. This particular issue is the green house effect. This is caused by humans.

"Greenhouse Gases
The increase in greenhouse gases caused by human activity is often cited as one of the major causes of global warming. These greenhouse gases reabsorb heat reflected from the Earth's surface, thus trapping the heat in our atmosphere. This natural process is essential for life on Earth because it plays an important role in regulating the Earth's temperature. However, over the last several hundred years, humans have been artificially increasing the concentration of these gases, mainly carbon dioxide and methane in the Earth's atmosphere. These gases build up and prevent additional thermal radiation from leaving the Earth, thereby trapping excess heat." (found in article).

It is a sad situation that we have put ourselves in. On one end alot of the things done to cause the green house gasses our things we do in our daily lives such as driving or using hairspray. On the other end life without these things would seem very difficult and stressful to most of us. This is what i would like to refer to as the Gift and the curse. Please review the article, and leave comments please thank you.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Any Questions?????

(web link to view based on my blog)
(image taken from flickr)

The link i posted to me is significant because it is exactly what are all thinking. All of us i'm sure have questions to ask about global warming. This web site i found to be very helpful, in showing a broad array of questions in dealing with the world wide concern a.k.a "global warming'". "One of the most vigorously debated topics on Earth is the issue of climate change, and the National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS) data centers are central to answering some of the most pressing global change questions that remain unresolved." This is a fact, and hopefully after looking at this some of the questions you might have about this topic Can be answered. i chose this again to help spread the awareness of global warming.

A map of The Future?

(a world climate map)
(image from flickr)
This i feel is a perfect example of how global warming is actually changing the climate and the world. This again as i have mentioned before is a very alarming and concerning topic. I have posted this map with a link above to show exactly what i mean. Please take a look at this, and understand the seriousness of this situation. "The map of early warning signs clearly illustrates the global nature of climate changes." "Although factors other than climate may have intensified the severity of some of the events on the map, scientists predict such problems will increase if emissions of heat-trapping gases are not brought under control." These are quotes from the article mentioned below the map link. I have posted these to hopefully catch your interest, and maybe inspire to you to actually look at the map link i have posted. Thank you.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

How are animals being affected by global warming?

(animals article)
(Flicker pic)

For those of you who don't realize how animals are being affected by global warming, please review this website. It breaks down all the different animals and how their daily lives can and have been affected by global warming. The reason why this is important is because alot of these animals that are being affected such as the polar bear "posted above", can only remain in cold climates. Quite a few of these animals are already endagered, and It would be a shame to lose another race of animal, as we have already lost so many due to various reasons. Any comments would be greatly appreciated thank you.

Global Warming

(ny times)
(flickr pic)

This article stresses the fact that global warming is real and should be taken very seriously. The reason i choose this article is the fact that it raises the point that global warming can in fact have been caused by humans. If this is so i know i would like to know a little more about it, and i hope you would too. If the weather continues to increase as it has been many things are going to change from the life of animals to how we live our daily lives. It is a very important social issue that should be discussed, and hopefully these blogs will open peoples eyes and minds to the situation at hand. Thank you and i look forward to hearing some responses.