Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Global Dimming?

The bottom line is that our world as we know it is in trouble, and we

didn't forget to do our home work. We did however forget to take

care of the place we live in a.k.a our planet. (Image taken from flickr)

"Research has shown that air pollutants from fossil fuel use make

clouds reflect more of the sun’s rays back into space. This leads

to an effect known as global dimming whereby less heat and

energy reaches the earth. At first, it sounds like an ironic savior

to climate change problems. However, it is believed that global

dimming caused the droughts in Ethiopia in the 1970s and 80s

where millions died, because the northern hemisphere oceans

were not warm enough to allow rain formation. Global dimming

is also hiding the true power of global warming. By cleaning up

global dimming-causing pollutants without tackling greenhouse

gas emissions, rapid warming has been observed, and various

human health and ecological disasters have resulted, as

witnessed during the European heat wave in 2003, which saw

thousands of people die."(found in article)

As you have followed my blogs and the issue of global warming

i am once again trying to inform you of one of the more

important issues within "Global Warming" which in this case is

"Global Dimming". The problem with this is that we are the ones

responsible for it, and this is leading to the fact that now more

than ever we should be concerned with how we have treated our

planet which we live on. Again I must stress that unfortunately

this is a real topic, and should be a concern for you followers of

my blog. (related link to help inform you)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

(image from flickr)

"There is growing concern that the accelerating pace of change will put alarming numbers of species on the path to extinction. Global warming is projected to reduce boreal habitat in all of the mountain ranges of the Great Basin region, contributing to a 44-percent loss of mammal species, a 23-percent loss of butterfly species, a 30-percent loss of perennial grasses and forbs and a 17-percent loss of shrub species." This is very disturbing to me, and the reason is that their is nothing we can do about it. This was a piece taken from (a great site) which goes into many of the problems we Americans face today. Although it is called "Global" warming i feel like since I am from America I would like to be educated on how this issue afects me in my country. For millions of people, hunting, fishing and other outdoor traditions are an important part of life in the American West. But America's addiction to fossil fuels is coming at an enormous price, one that threatens not only people but the fish, wildlife and ecosystems that are so fundamental to the region's--and nation's--economy, culture and values.

It is nice to know that I am not alone in my concern for global warming, and i would like to post another blogger who feels the same. (Blogger) This is a great example of what i am trying to represent, I am learning and hope to expand on my knowledge of this issue and share it with the world.

Growing up Online

(image from flickr)

(watch a summary) of the video "Growing up Online" here. This video was a great summary of the full length special. This documentary deals with exactly what the title expresses which is growing up online. Children today are literally spending all of their time online these days. THis is very disturbing to me, and some of the examples expresses in this documentary were no different. Young women are glorifying eating dissorders, as well as posting provacative pictures of themselves. Their is an argument from the kids saying its a way to feel accepted and express themselves, but on the other hand the parents are concerned for predators.

After doing some furthor research into this i found that others found this just as important an issue as i did. (view here) "When they confronted him, the boy was mortified. As they talked about it, it became clear that the supposed anonymity and immediacy of the Internet had led him to say things he never would say in "real" life -- and didn't even mean. It was a game, an exercise, a way of trying on identities." A great example of what this documentary was based on. Again a great documentary, and if you are interested please feel free to (watch) it here thanks.

One Laptop Per child

(image from flickr)

(take a look) At what this blog is all about. One lap top per child is a great idea based around an organazation which hopes to one day have all children world wide with a laptop. This idea is basically based around 5 key points. 1). Kids keep laptops 2). Focus on early education 3). No one gets left out 4). Connection to the internet 5). Free to grow and adapt. (more info). "Mission Statement: To create educational opportunities for the world's poorest children by providing each child with a rugged, low-cost, low-power, connected laptop with content and software designed for collaborative, joyful, self-empowered learning. When children have access to this type of tool they get engaged in their own education. They learn, share, create, and collaborate. They become connected to each other, to the world and to a brighter future."

I think this is a great idea although for me personally I feel their are more important issues as far as the children of the world are concerned, but certainly this can help more than it can hurt and i hope this can truly make a difference. I can really see this making a big impact on the world today.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Its our Fault???


(Image from flickr)

quote from the page "Scientists have found the first unequivocal link between

man-made greenhouse gases and a dramatic heating of the Earth's oceans.

The researchers - many funded by the US government - have seen what they

describe as a "stunning" correlation between a rise in ocean temperature over

the past 40 years and pollution of the atmosphere."

If you want to learn more please read but basically this page is about the above statement. It

mentions specifically the green house gasses that i have written about in previous blogs, and

mentions the true cause of concern for the years to come specifically by 2040, and this all

revolves around the oceans. wanna learn more than please click the link above thanks.

People are Dying From This?????


(image from flickr)

quote from article "As the eagle was killed by the arrow winged with his own feather, so

the hand of the world is wounded by its own skill. -Helen Keller"

Wow is all i have to say about this
. I mean this is scary but true. This web page i have given you

lists a few serious issues that global warming has caused our world today. Everything from

animals being affected to people actually dying from this. Want to learn more please take a look

at this article by clicking on the link above. Again their is so much info on this topic i am trying to

give you what i feel will catch your eye, and hopefully educate you on what exactly the world is

going through. if you are just the slightest bit curious please take a look thanks.