Tuesday, April 28, 2009

So We Can Do Something About it ???

So we can do something about it? Yes Yes we can. Sounds good? I think so. How about 50 reasons.
(50 ways to stop global warming)
"Global Warming is a dramatically urgent and serious problem. We don't need to wait for governments to find a solution for this problem: each individual can bring an important help adopting a more responsible lifestyle: starting from little, everyday things. It's the only reasonable way to save our planet, before it is too late.
Here is a list of 50 simple things that everyone can do in order to fight against and reduce the Global Warming phenomenon: some of these ideas are at no cost, some other require a little effort or investment but can help you save a lot of money, in the middle-long term!"
(flickr image)

"Laymans climate change chronicle to begin soon.
In coming weeks The Climate Sceptics will be putting out a climate change chronicle that will be different to this newsletter and will explain the science and logic of climate change issues to ordinary people. The idea is to give climate sceptics across the country brief and moderately easy to understand materials they can pass onto their friends and relatives to gently and continually inform them of the science, the costs of an ETS, and what climate sceptics are doing. You will get a copy of the climate change chronicle emailed to you for passing on if you are happy to remain on this list. If you know of other climate sceptics who want to receive this newsletter please ask them to email "please subscribe" to newsletter@climatesceptics.com.au or sign up on our web site"

(relted links)

These 50 reasons are again a great way to look at this interesting yet terrible topic of global warming. As the school semester comes to an end, i can assure you that i will be giving my followers nothing but the best on this topic of global warming. Although it doesnt seem like a lot these reasons although some things might seem very easy like changing filters on certain things or even raising or lowering temperatures by 2 degrees every little thuing counts, and it all ads up.

What is it Earth Day or Something?

What is it earth day? It must be because people

are celebrating this beautiful planet we live on.

From planting trees to praising and loving the

most beloved endagered species, clearly this

truly is earths day. The one thing that made this

years earth day so special was the fact that for the first time global warming was adressed and


"Ashland, Ore - For years, Earth Day celebrants have hugged trees, dressed up as their favorite. (flickr)

endangered species, and extolled the virtues of compost and organic gardening.

This year, April 22, the annual day to tout personal and community greenness, has a new

emphasis for many people: global warming and its predicted effects on Mother Earth.

Around the country and around the world, a batch of recent opinion surveys show swelling

public interest in and concern about climate change. "
(the earths day)

"Earth Day is all about putting the environment in the forefront.

This year, there could be no more greater issue to do that with

than global warming."
(follow this blooger)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Is the price right ? Apparently Ed Begley jr. thought so when he decided that his show would feature cell phones made of recycled materials instead of fancy cars. This is a great idea, in the sense that i am writing about a topic directly related to this which is as you all know by now Global warming. This is just another example of how we can better our planet. I think this is a great idea, and im glad to see that others specifically the television networks are starting to pick up on the related issues of our global warming situation. At this point anything helps, and i was very glad to see this happen on earth day. (image from flickr)

"More than ever there are things that we can do that are really simple to do," said Barbara Bloom, senior vice president of daytime for CBS. "We can do that as people who supply entertainment. We are a powerful tool for messaging. I just wanted to remind people that it's very easy to keep this in your consciousness as you go through your life." (article)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Vulnerable Today; Endangered Tomorrow

"The lower Rio Grande Valley in Texas is a haven for wildlife. This sliver of arid land, which once included riparian woodlands, sabal palm forests and oxbow lakes, harbors a multitude of plants and animals found nowhere else in the United States. Among the rarest inhabitants of this subtropical landscape is the ocelot. " (flickr image)

Is it just me or is this just getting out of control! as mentioned this valley is a haven for wildlife, and without wildlife, we have no life period. It is as simple as the food chain, one thing dies out and then the next. To some of you who are reading this you might be saying to yourself its just one valley, but in actuality it is just one of many valleys soon to fall victom to what i have been blogging about "Global Warming".

"By protecting habitat for endangered species, we can also keep today's vulnerable species from becoming tomorrow's endangered species," says Wilcove. In South Texas, for example, restoring thorn forests to protect the ocelot could also help the ferruginous pygmy owl, the Audubon's oriole and other scarce but not yet endangered plants and animals." (take a look)

Again this is another problem we are facing from the climate changes that are currently affecting our world a.k.a global warming. If you would like to learn more on this from another blogers perspective please take a look. (global warming blogger)

Monday, April 6, 2009

Can We Keep It Green Please

Well its not Saint Patricks Day, but i'm going to ask everyone reading

this to go green. What does going green mean? It's simple

all i'm asking is for you to respect the planet.(green peace) .

"Greenpeace exists because this fragile Earth deserves a

voice. It needs solutions. It needs change. It needs action.

" You might be asking yourself why an avid global warming

writer has decided to write about green peace.

The answer is simply that green peace supports the

saving of our planet,and right now its number one

priority is the prevention of global warming

(global warming blog)

Rather than go into the usual topic of global warming

lets look into the prevention, and focus on one

particular aspect of green peaces prevention

methods at saving our planet from global warming.

(image taken from flickr)

The main issue i'm going to discuss is the stopping of

climate change, which is exactly what global warming

is. Basically what green peace plans to do is offer

ideas that can help conserve energy

(take a look at some of the ideas)

You can switch to energy efficient lighting, or do things

such as recycle paper. This may not seem like alot, but

any little bit helps when your dealing with a serious issue

like global warming. Thanks for reading up.