Tuesday, April 28, 2009

So We Can Do Something About it ???

So we can do something about it? Yes Yes we can. Sounds good? I think so. How about 50 reasons.
(50 ways to stop global warming)
"Global Warming is a dramatically urgent and serious problem. We don't need to wait for governments to find a solution for this problem: each individual can bring an important help adopting a more responsible lifestyle: starting from little, everyday things. It's the only reasonable way to save our planet, before it is too late.
Here is a list of 50 simple things that everyone can do in order to fight against and reduce the Global Warming phenomenon: some of these ideas are at no cost, some other require a little effort or investment but can help you save a lot of money, in the middle-long term!"
(flickr image)

"Laymans climate change chronicle to begin soon.
In coming weeks The Climate Sceptics will be putting out a climate change chronicle that will be different to this newsletter and will explain the science and logic of climate change issues to ordinary people. The idea is to give climate sceptics across the country brief and moderately easy to understand materials they can pass onto their friends and relatives to gently and continually inform them of the science, the costs of an ETS, and what climate sceptics are doing. You will get a copy of the climate change chronicle emailed to you for passing on if you are happy to remain on this list. If you know of other climate sceptics who want to receive this newsletter please ask them to email "please subscribe" to newsletter@climatesceptics.com.au or sign up on our web site"

(relted links)

These 50 reasons are again a great way to look at this interesting yet terrible topic of global warming. As the school semester comes to an end, i can assure you that i will be giving my followers nothing but the best on this topic of global warming. Although it doesnt seem like a lot these reasons although some things might seem very easy like changing filters on certain things or even raising or lowering temperatures by 2 degrees every little thuing counts, and it all ads up.


  1. That was an interesting list of things we can do. It is pretty fascinating to see the small things we can do to help our planet and make it a better place for future generations. Some of the things on that list I know my family does, but there are some really cool things on there that I never thought to do. I really like how simple it is to do some of these things because in the long run our planet will benefit from these small changes and we will leave it hopefully in better shape than it is presently, or 5 to 10 years from now.

  2. What will the world be years from now? It's a simple list to follow, but who really does? Hopefully people come to the realization that their lives later on down the line rely on others and what they do to help keep the world clean. It takes a group effort!
