Monday, May 4, 2009

Scientists at Their best !!!!!!

MYTH: The science of global warming is too uncertain to act on.

FACT: There is no debate among scientists about the basic facts of global warming.

"The only debate in the science community about global warming is about how much and how fast warming will continue as a result of heat-trapping emissions. Scientists have given a clear warning about global warming, and we have more than enough facts — about causes and fixes — to implement solutions right now." (article)

( Flickr)

"Dr. Schellnhuber, citing his own research, said that at certain “tipping points,” higher temperatures could cause areas of the ocean to become deoxygenated, resulting in what he calls “oxygen holes” between 600 and 2,400 feet deep. These are areas so depleted of the gas that they would badly disrupt the food chain." (another concerned scientist)

Basically scientists have confirmed that their is no debate, and global warming is real and its time to deal with the topic at hand. Implimenting solutions is the only way we can help prevent the spreading of global warming. Everything from emissions to car pooling can help. These scientists are mentioning specifically the climate which is essentially global warming. As written above tipping points can cause the demise of the food chain. This is scary, and im glad now that these scientists have openly admitted that this is not longer a rumor, but a real issue which needs to be addressed.

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