Tuesday, May 5, 2009

O Yes It's Happeneing !!!!!!!!!

"Is It Happening?
Yes. Earth is already showing many signs of worldwide climate change.
• Average temperatures have climbed 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit (0.8 degree Celsius) around the world since 1880, much of this in recent decades, according to NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies.
• The rate of warming is increasing. The 20th century's last two decades were the hottest in 400 years and possibly the warmest for several millennia, according to a number of climate
studies. And the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports that 11 of the past 12 years are among the dozen warmest since 1850. " (read more on this)
These are just some examples of how global warming is now becoming a reality versus just a myth. The facts are being presented, and brought to our attention now more than ever. The rate of warming is increasing and their is no sense in denying or trying to ignore this fact. Lets take a look at another blogger that is just as concerned as i am.
"The White House and the State Department are sparring to control both the substance and the narrative on US plans to slash emissions of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), called "super-greenhouse gases" (GHGs) because they are many thousands of times more potent than carbon dioxide at trapping heat." (obama speaks out)
This is refreshing to see that Obamas administration is concerned with this topic, and is making strides to deal with it. again this is all leading up to the fact that the facts are out and its no longer a debatable topic......it is real, and get ready cause its only gunna get better before it gets worste. thanks for following global warming......

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