Sunday, May 10, 2009

Boy Is IT Hot In Here!!!!!

7. Global Emissions Now Cause Problems For Centuries Into The Future

Global warming impacts will not disappear as soon as carbon emissions are stopped completely. The changes brought about by global warming will last for centuries, even with no more greenhouse gas emissions being released. It is critical to address the ecological crisis now, because waiting will just make the future even more bleak.

(image from flickr)

5. Global Carbon Dioxide Emissions From Fossil Fuels Have Increased Since The Kyoto Protocol Was Adopted

In 1992 when the Kyoto Protocol was signed, the intention was to lessen greenhouse gas emissions and global warming impacts, and to improve the ecological crisis. The astonishing fact is that in the years since the Kyoto Protocol was signed, there has been an increase by thirty five percent in the amount of carbon dioxide that is released around the globe. This is proof that the protocol alone is not effective, and other measures need to be taken as well. This is a big global warming problem caused by fossil fuel use global. (find more here)

It seems to me, and sure to you that my blogs have been leaning more towards these lists of things now. The reason I have chosen to do this is because i feel like throughout this course i have given just about every aspect of what exactly global warming is, and what it does. So from here on out i'm going list interesting things that hopefully will catch other readers eyes on this topic. Again please check the link, and i promise you will learn something new.

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