Thursday, May 14, 2009

It Is Over?????? NO!!!!

Carbon Dioxide from Power Plants
In 2002 about 40% of U.S. carbon dioxide emissions stem from the burning of fossil fuels for the purpose of electricity generation. Coal accounts for 93 percent of the emissions from the electric utility industry.

Carbon Dioxide Emitted from Cars

About 33% of U.S carbon dioxide emissions comes from the burning of gasoline in internal-combustion engines of cars and light trucks (minivans, sport utility vehicles, pick-up trucks, and jeeps). Vehicles with poor gas mileage contribute the most to global warming. For example, according to the E.P.A's 2000 Fuel Economy Guide, a new Dodge Durango sports utility vehicle (with a 5.9 liter engine) that gets 12 miles per gallon in the city will emit an estimated 800 pounds of carbon dioxide over a distance of 500 city miles. In other words for each gallon of gas a vehicle consumes, 19.6 pounds of carbon dioxide are emitted into the air. A new Honda Insight that gets 61 miles to the gallon will only emit about 161 pounds of carbon dioxide over the same distance of 500 city miles. Sports utility vehicles were built for rough terrain, off road driving in mountains and deserts. When they are used for city driving, they are so much overkill to the environment. If one has to have a large vehicle for their family, station wagons are an intelligent choice for city driving, especially since their price is about half that of a sports utility. Inasmuch as SUV's have a narrow wheel base in respect to their higher silhouette, they are four times as likely as cars to rollover in an accident. (read more here)

These are just 2 causes i mentioned, because i felt that these would catch the eyes of readers. Their are many more however, and they should be taken into consideration. Please continue to learn about this horendus issue which has already begun to plague the world we live in, and will only continue to do so unless something is done. This will be my last blog for the semester as my total has reached 36. Thanks for following, and who knows maybe one day you will be inspired as i was to do something about this topic like spread the word through a blog.

Are we Being Affected ????

Agriculture and forestry - crop failure and famine will ensue throughout marginally productive regions of the world. In the UK, agricultural practices will need to adapt; milder weather will benefit some crops at the expense of others. Forestry will be affected: in Wales, native broadleaf trees could suffer as a result of droughts, whereas conifer plantations are likely to become more productive. More conifers will exacerbate some of the problems associated with acid-rain, and, simultaneously, have serious implications for the biodiversity of our woodlands. (flickr)

Human health - over the long term there is likely to be an increase in the spread of certain diseases; malaria, for instance, could reach parts of Europe, including the UK. Urban air pollution is likely to get worse and its associated ill-health effects exacerbated. Heat-induced deaths are likely to increase, especially among the elderly. Adverse weather conditions, such as storms and floods, will exact their own costs, both human and economic: lives will be lost, insurance premiums will rise. (article found here)

I feel like these 2 sections i chose express my concerns on this topic perfectly. Human health and agriculture are very important for obvious reasons. Clearly by now this word of global warming has become a house hold name with countless amounts of blogs and newsletters on this topic. Should we just sit back and watch this happen or try and do something about it?????

Food Chain ??????

(flickr)"The planet is warming, humans are mostly to blame and plants and animals are going to dramatic lengths to cope. That's the consensus of a number of recent studies that used wildlife to gauge the extent of global warming and its effects. While the topic of climate change is contentious -- including whether the planet is actually heating up -- a growing number of documented shifts in traits and behaviors in the wild kingdom is leading many scientists to conclude the world is changing in unnatural ways." (find out more)

  • Marmots end their hibernations about three weeks earlier now compared to 30 years ago.
  • Polar bears today are thinner and less healthy than those of 20 years ago.
  • Many fish species are moving northward in search of cooler waters.
  • A fruitfly gene normally associated with hot, dry conditions has spread to populations living in traditionally cooler southern regions.
Again these are serious issues that are going to affect our wild life which is essentially going to eventually affect us. It comes down to the food chain, and i don't know about you but i dont want to eat salad for the rest of my life.

Time Is Running Out

Recent successes in Global Warming include:

  • Worked with allies in Congress to craft strong climate policy
  • Coordinated U.S. scientists and economists statement with 1,700 signatures calling for emissions reductions
  • Engaged aspiring writers and photographers to submit entries to an online book—Thoreau’s Legacy: American Stories About Global Warming
  • Educated policy makers and mobilized activists on nation’s first program limiting carbon emissions from power plants
  • Played lead role in developing a regional cap-and-trade program in the Midwest
  • Helped win legislation in Minnesota to fund a study of cap-and-trade auctions
  • Supported international climate negotiations by highlighting the role an agreement on reducing tropical deforestation can play in our report Out of the oods (info from)
"The world's scientists agree that the window to prevent the worst effects of global warming is closing. The United States must act quickly to reduce its carbon emissions at least 80 percent by 2050, but Congress has yet to act. In 2008, UCS worked with allies in Congress to craft such a policy, and bolstered these efforts by organizing and distributing a statement signed by more than 1,700 prominent U.S. scientists and economists calling for the needed reductions."
(more info here)

Basically time is running out, and i'm very thankful that people in high places are recognizing this. Again ill try and keep everyone posted as time goes on.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Boy Is IT Hot In Here!!!!!

7. Global Emissions Now Cause Problems For Centuries Into The Future

Global warming impacts will not disappear as soon as carbon emissions are stopped completely. The changes brought about by global warming will last for centuries, even with no more greenhouse gas emissions being released. It is critical to address the ecological crisis now, because waiting will just make the future even more bleak.

(image from flickr)

5. Global Carbon Dioxide Emissions From Fossil Fuels Have Increased Since The Kyoto Protocol Was Adopted

In 1992 when the Kyoto Protocol was signed, the intention was to lessen greenhouse gas emissions and global warming impacts, and to improve the ecological crisis. The astonishing fact is that in the years since the Kyoto Protocol was signed, there has been an increase by thirty five percent in the amount of carbon dioxide that is released around the globe. This is proof that the protocol alone is not effective, and other measures need to be taken as well. This is a big global warming problem caused by fossil fuel use global. (find more here)

It seems to me, and sure to you that my blogs have been leaning more towards these lists of things now. The reason I have chosen to do this is because i feel like throughout this course i have given just about every aspect of what exactly global warming is, and what it does. So from here on out i'm going list interesting things that hopefully will catch other readers eyes on this topic. Again please check the link, and i promise you will learn something new.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Global Warming Wrecks All the Fun!!!!!!!!!!!!

Global warming wrecks all the fun, and believe me it will in time if nothing is done about it. You don't believe me well how about (100 reasons why it will). Things such as fly fishing disappearing to wine drinking going down the drain this list will definitely shock and owe you. Most importantly though i hope this list will open your eyes to the real issue at (image from flickr) hand which is global warming.
Say Goodbye to Ski Competitions
Unusually warmer winters caused the International Ski Federation to cancel last year’s Alpine skiing World Cup and opening races in Sölden, Austria. Skiers are also hard-pressed now to find places for year-round training. Olympic gold medalist Anja Paerson: “Of course we’re all very worried about the future of our sport. Every year we have more trouble finding places to train.”

Say Goodbye to Ski Competitions
Unusually warmer winters caused the International Ski Federation to cancel last year’s Alpine skiing World Cup and opening races in Sölden, Austria. Skiers are also hard-pressed now to find places for year-round training. Olympic gold medalist Anja Paerson: “Of course we’re all very worried about the future of our sport. Every year we have more trouble finding places to train.”

Now I don't know about anyone else, but say goodbye to french fries. hmmmm i don't know about that. I'm just glad that i can joke about something amoungst all this insanity, and horrible news.

Lets take a look at another blogger who has something to say for another possible angle or opinion on this issue.

" (more on this here) Hundreds of students from more than 20 countries recently brainstormed ideas on combating climate change -- and they did it online using Google Docs & Spreadsheets. The kids had a blast coming up with solutions to address climate change, and we had a blast reading through their ideas and selecting the top 50 to feature on the Google Educators site. Then to top it off we took out out a full-page ad in today's edition of USA Today so the kids' great ideas would get noticed! Global collaboration has never been more fun and, when it comes to global warming, more necessary."

Again all i can say is that I found this list to be extremely interesting and i hope you do to thanks.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Check This Out !!!!!!!

(THE 33 FACTS ABOUT GLOBAL WARMING) I dont know what more to say other than please

take a look at this. i will list a few reasons that will hopefully catch your eye.

"1). The Earth was formed about 4,540,000,000 years ago.

2).In the beginning, the Earth's atmosphere contained very little oxygen (less than 1% oxygen


3).Early plants started to develop more than 2 billion years ago, probably about 2,700,000,000.

4).Through photosynthesis, plants uptake carbon dioxide into the biosphere as organic matter, and release oxygen as a byproduct.

5).Through geologic time, oxygen accumulated gradually in the atmosphere, reaching a value of about 21% of atmospheric gases at the present time.

Lets take a look at another bloggers perspective on this ever growing concern also known as global warming. (another concerned blogger) "The smart charger controller will save car owners money by seeking lower electricity prices and synchronizing car charge times to match those overnight schedules. The device can temporarily interrupt charging when there is elevated stress on the system."

again this is another reason to let us know exactly what is happening in this ever growing problem of global warming.

O Yes It's Happeneing !!!!!!!!!

"Is It Happening?
Yes. Earth is already showing many signs of worldwide climate change.
• Average temperatures have climbed 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit (0.8 degree Celsius) around the world since 1880, much of this in recent decades, according to NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies.
• The rate of warming is increasing. The 20th century's last two decades were the hottest in 400 years and possibly the warmest for several millennia, according to a number of climate
studies. And the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports that 11 of the past 12 years are among the dozen warmest since 1850. " (read more on this)
These are just some examples of how global warming is now becoming a reality versus just a myth. The facts are being presented, and brought to our attention now more than ever. The rate of warming is increasing and their is no sense in denying or trying to ignore this fact. Lets take a look at another blogger that is just as concerned as i am.
"The White House and the State Department are sparring to control both the substance and the narrative on US plans to slash emissions of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), called "super-greenhouse gases" (GHGs) because they are many thousands of times more potent than carbon dioxide at trapping heat." (obama speaks out)
This is refreshing to see that Obamas administration is concerned with this topic, and is making strides to deal with it. again this is all leading up to the fact that the facts are out and its no longer a debatable is real, and get ready cause its only gunna get better before it gets worste. thanks for following global warming......

Monday, May 4, 2009

Scientists at Their best !!!!!!

MYTH: The science of global warming is too uncertain to act on.

FACT: There is no debate among scientists about the basic facts of global warming.

"The only debate in the science community about global warming is about how much and how fast warming will continue as a result of heat-trapping emissions. Scientists have given a clear warning about global warming, and we have more than enough facts — about causes and fixes — to implement solutions right now." (article)

( Flickr)

"Dr. Schellnhuber, citing his own research, said that at certain “tipping points,” higher temperatures could cause areas of the ocean to become deoxygenated, resulting in what he calls “oxygen holes” between 600 and 2,400 feet deep. These are areas so depleted of the gas that they would badly disrupt the food chain." (another concerned scientist)

Basically scientists have confirmed that their is no debate, and global warming is real and its time to deal with the topic at hand. Implimenting solutions is the only way we can help prevent the spreading of global warming. Everything from emissions to car pooling can help. These scientists are mentioning specifically the climate which is essentially global warming. As written above tipping points can cause the demise of the food chain. This is scary, and im glad now that these scientists have openly admitted that this is not longer a rumor, but a real issue which needs to be addressed.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

So We Can Do Something About it ???

So we can do something about it? Yes Yes we can. Sounds good? I think so. How about 50 reasons.
(50 ways to stop global warming)
"Global Warming is a dramatically urgent and serious problem. We don't need to wait for governments to find a solution for this problem: each individual can bring an important help adopting a more responsible lifestyle: starting from little, everyday things. It's the only reasonable way to save our planet, before it is too late.
Here is a list of 50 simple things that everyone can do in order to fight against and reduce the Global Warming phenomenon: some of these ideas are at no cost, some other require a little effort or investment but can help you save a lot of money, in the middle-long term!"
(flickr image)

"Laymans climate change chronicle to begin soon.
In coming weeks The Climate Sceptics will be putting out a climate change chronicle that will be different to this newsletter and will explain the science and logic of climate change issues to ordinary people. The idea is to give climate sceptics across the country brief and moderately easy to understand materials they can pass onto their friends and relatives to gently and continually inform them of the science, the costs of an ETS, and what climate sceptics are doing. You will get a copy of the climate change chronicle emailed to you for passing on if you are happy to remain on this list. If you know of other climate sceptics who want to receive this newsletter please ask them to email "please subscribe" to or sign up on our web site"

(relted links)

These 50 reasons are again a great way to look at this interesting yet terrible topic of global warming. As the school semester comes to an end, i can assure you that i will be giving my followers nothing but the best on this topic of global warming. Although it doesnt seem like a lot these reasons although some things might seem very easy like changing filters on certain things or even raising or lowering temperatures by 2 degrees every little thuing counts, and it all ads up.

What is it Earth Day or Something?

What is it earth day? It must be because people

are celebrating this beautiful planet we live on.

From planting trees to praising and loving the

most beloved endagered species, clearly this

truly is earths day. The one thing that made this

years earth day so special was the fact that for the first time global warming was adressed and


"Ashland, Ore - For years, Earth Day celebrants have hugged trees, dressed up as their favorite. (flickr)

endangered species, and extolled the virtues of compost and organic gardening.

This year, April 22, the annual day to tout personal and community greenness, has a new

emphasis for many people: global warming and its predicted effects on Mother Earth.

Around the country and around the world, a batch of recent opinion surveys show swelling

public interest in and concern about climate change. "
(the earths day)

"Earth Day is all about putting the environment in the forefront.

This year, there could be no more greater issue to do that with

than global warming."
(follow this blooger)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Is the price right ? Apparently Ed Begley jr. thought so when he decided that his show would feature cell phones made of recycled materials instead of fancy cars. This is a great idea, in the sense that i am writing about a topic directly related to this which is as you all know by now Global warming. This is just another example of how we can better our planet. I think this is a great idea, and im glad to see that others specifically the television networks are starting to pick up on the related issues of our global warming situation. At this point anything helps, and i was very glad to see this happen on earth day. (image from flickr)

"More than ever there are things that we can do that are really simple to do," said Barbara Bloom, senior vice president of daytime for CBS. "We can do that as people who supply entertainment. We are a powerful tool for messaging. I just wanted to remind people that it's very easy to keep this in your consciousness as you go through your life." (article)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Vulnerable Today; Endangered Tomorrow

"The lower Rio Grande Valley in Texas is a haven for wildlife. This sliver of arid land, which once included riparian woodlands, sabal palm forests and oxbow lakes, harbors a multitude of plants and animals found nowhere else in the United States. Among the rarest inhabitants of this subtropical landscape is the ocelot. " (flickr image)

Is it just me or is this just getting out of control! as mentioned this valley is a haven for wildlife, and without wildlife, we have no life period. It is as simple as the food chain, one thing dies out and then the next. To some of you who are reading this you might be saying to yourself its just one valley, but in actuality it is just one of many valleys soon to fall victom to what i have been blogging about "Global Warming".

"By protecting habitat for endangered species, we can also keep today's vulnerable species from becoming tomorrow's endangered species," says Wilcove. In South Texas, for example, restoring thorn forests to protect the ocelot could also help the ferruginous pygmy owl, the Audubon's oriole and other scarce but not yet endangered plants and animals." (take a look)

Again this is another problem we are facing from the climate changes that are currently affecting our world a.k.a global warming. If you would like to learn more on this from another blogers perspective please take a look. (global warming blogger)

Monday, April 6, 2009

Can We Keep It Green Please

Well its not Saint Patricks Day, but i'm going to ask everyone reading

this to go green. What does going green mean? It's simple

all i'm asking is for you to respect the planet.(green peace) .

"Greenpeace exists because this fragile Earth deserves a

voice. It needs solutions. It needs change. It needs action.

" You might be asking yourself why an avid global warming

writer has decided to write about green peace.

The answer is simply that green peace supports the

saving of our planet,and right now its number one

priority is the prevention of global warming

(global warming blog)

Rather than go into the usual topic of global warming

lets look into the prevention, and focus on one

particular aspect of green peaces prevention

methods at saving our planet from global warming.

(image taken from flickr)

The main issue i'm going to discuss is the stopping of

climate change, which is exactly what global warming

is. Basically what green peace plans to do is offer

ideas that can help conserve energy

(take a look at some of the ideas)

You can switch to energy efficient lighting, or do things

such as recycle paper. This may not seem like alot, but

any little bit helps when your dealing with a serious issue

like global warming. Thanks for reading up.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Global Dimming?

The bottom line is that our world as we know it is in trouble, and we

didn't forget to do our home work. We did however forget to take

care of the place we live in a.k.a our planet. (Image taken from flickr)

"Research has shown that air pollutants from fossil fuel use make

clouds reflect more of the sun’s rays back into space. This leads

to an effect known as global dimming whereby less heat and

energy reaches the earth. At first, it sounds like an ironic savior

to climate change problems. However, it is believed that global

dimming caused the droughts in Ethiopia in the 1970s and 80s

where millions died, because the northern hemisphere oceans

were not warm enough to allow rain formation. Global dimming

is also hiding the true power of global warming. By cleaning up

global dimming-causing pollutants without tackling greenhouse

gas emissions, rapid warming has been observed, and various

human health and ecological disasters have resulted, as

witnessed during the European heat wave in 2003, which saw

thousands of people die."(found in article)

As you have followed my blogs and the issue of global warming

i am once again trying to inform you of one of the more

important issues within "Global Warming" which in this case is

"Global Dimming". The problem with this is that we are the ones

responsible for it, and this is leading to the fact that now more

than ever we should be concerned with how we have treated our

planet which we live on. Again I must stress that unfortunately

this is a real topic, and should be a concern for you followers of

my blog. (related link to help inform you)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

(image from flickr)

"There is growing concern that the accelerating pace of change will put alarming numbers of species on the path to extinction. Global warming is projected to reduce boreal habitat in all of the mountain ranges of the Great Basin region, contributing to a 44-percent loss of mammal species, a 23-percent loss of butterfly species, a 30-percent loss of perennial grasses and forbs and a 17-percent loss of shrub species." This is very disturbing to me, and the reason is that their is nothing we can do about it. This was a piece taken from (a great site) which goes into many of the problems we Americans face today. Although it is called "Global" warming i feel like since I am from America I would like to be educated on how this issue afects me in my country. For millions of people, hunting, fishing and other outdoor traditions are an important part of life in the American West. But America's addiction to fossil fuels is coming at an enormous price, one that threatens not only people but the fish, wildlife and ecosystems that are so fundamental to the region's--and nation's--economy, culture and values.

It is nice to know that I am not alone in my concern for global warming, and i would like to post another blogger who feels the same. (Blogger) This is a great example of what i am trying to represent, I am learning and hope to expand on my knowledge of this issue and share it with the world.

Growing up Online

(image from flickr)

(watch a summary) of the video "Growing up Online" here. This video was a great summary of the full length special. This documentary deals with exactly what the title expresses which is growing up online. Children today are literally spending all of their time online these days. THis is very disturbing to me, and some of the examples expresses in this documentary were no different. Young women are glorifying eating dissorders, as well as posting provacative pictures of themselves. Their is an argument from the kids saying its a way to feel accepted and express themselves, but on the other hand the parents are concerned for predators.

After doing some furthor research into this i found that others found this just as important an issue as i did. (view here) "When they confronted him, the boy was mortified. As they talked about it, it became clear that the supposed anonymity and immediacy of the Internet had led him to say things he never would say in "real" life -- and didn't even mean. It was a game, an exercise, a way of trying on identities." A great example of what this documentary was based on. Again a great documentary, and if you are interested please feel free to (watch) it here thanks.

One Laptop Per child

(image from flickr)

(take a look) At what this blog is all about. One lap top per child is a great idea based around an organazation which hopes to one day have all children world wide with a laptop. This idea is basically based around 5 key points. 1). Kids keep laptops 2). Focus on early education 3). No one gets left out 4). Connection to the internet 5). Free to grow and adapt. (more info). "Mission Statement: To create educational opportunities for the world's poorest children by providing each child with a rugged, low-cost, low-power, connected laptop with content and software designed for collaborative, joyful, self-empowered learning. When children have access to this type of tool they get engaged in their own education. They learn, share, create, and collaborate. They become connected to each other, to the world and to a brighter future."

I think this is a great idea although for me personally I feel their are more important issues as far as the children of the world are concerned, but certainly this can help more than it can hurt and i hope this can truly make a difference. I can really see this making a big impact on the world today.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Its our Fault???


(Image from flickr)

quote from the page "Scientists have found the first unequivocal link between

man-made greenhouse gases and a dramatic heating of the Earth's oceans.

The researchers - many funded by the US government - have seen what they

describe as a "stunning" correlation between a rise in ocean temperature over

the past 40 years and pollution of the atmosphere."

If you want to learn more please read but basically this page is about the above statement. It

mentions specifically the green house gasses that i have written about in previous blogs, and

mentions the true cause of concern for the years to come specifically by 2040, and this all

revolves around the oceans. wanna learn more than please click the link above thanks.

People are Dying From This?????


(image from flickr)

quote from article "As the eagle was killed by the arrow winged with his own feather, so

the hand of the world is wounded by its own skill. -Helen Keller"

Wow is all i have to say about this
. I mean this is scary but true. This web page i have given you

lists a few serious issues that global warming has caused our world today. Everything from

animals being affected to people actually dying from this. Want to learn more please take a look

at this article by clicking on the link above. Again their is so much info on this topic i am trying to

give you what i feel will catch your eye, and hopefully educate you on what exactly the world is

going through. if you are just the slightest bit curious please take a look thanks.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Choose Your Poisen



Italy's historic Renaissance city suffers its worst floods in twenty two years." This quote is

exactly what i wanted to express in this article. Basically as you all know global warming is

causing many things (problems) for our world other than just simply making it hotter outside.

Please take a look at this article it will inform you on many different aspects of how global

warming has already affected our world. You can ignore it if you want, but the facts are their just

take a look if you dare. Better buy some sun screen!!!!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Does Something Smell????



a quote - "This Web site will help you learn the connection between human-made

Carbon Dioxide and rapid climate changes and negative effects around the world.

The hard fact is that despite what many nations, companies, cities and people are

starting to do to reduce their global warming emissions, the world is putting more

CO2 into the air than ever before. The current amount is 385 parts per million

(ppm) -- higher than ever in the past 800,000 years." This should be a concern for

everyone and unfortunately theirs not much we can do to prevent it. What i mean by this is that

we are so used to how we live now that by truly cutting back on these gasses and usage of certain

things it would be very "hard" for us to live comfortably as we have grown so accustom to. Again

please look at the article if you are interested in learning more about this topic thank you warren


Global Warming is Good???


(image from flickr)

A quote from the article. "There is also evidence that individuals, societies and economies can

adapt to warmer temperatures, Michaels said.Agricultural adaptations may allow corn to grow at

higher temperatures, he said, while crops like soybeans and sugar cane thrive in a hotter climate.

When heat waves occur with higher and higher frequency, there are fewer deaths during

subsequent bouts of high temperature, he added." Well this is very interesting. Im glad to see

that their are people looking at the bright side of things no pun intended lol, but seriously thats

all good but the bottom line is the world is getting hotter. This man by stating these facts is not

denying this but accepting it, and that it what scares me. thank you.

Were Going To Mars ????


(image from flickr)

a quick quote from the article that might catch your attention." Methane gas is the main

component of natural gas, which is used for fuel. Alternatively, it is also a greenhouse gas that is

25 times more powerful than CO2, and blamed for much of our planet's global warming

problems. Let's hope this discovery on Mars can only mean good things for us and our planet."

With this recent discovery of methane gas their is hope for life on mars, ans not to mention hope

for using this info to help aid our problem of global warming warming. Please take a look at this

article it is quite interesting thanks again warren.

The Economy --- Really????


(image from flickr)

Apparently people aren't as concerned as they have been in the past with global warming. A

quick look at this article will show that. This is simply because of the economic crisis our country

is in. So is this a good thing? I would say yes and know. Its good that maybe people are focusing

on bettering our economy, but if global warming is real, and it does grow at the rate it is were

gunna have alot more to worry about than our economy. Anyways thanks for keepin up with my

blogs, please take a look at the article so you can get a better understanding of where im coming

from with this info. Thanks

Monday, February 23, 2009

I choose this article piece to give you a glimpse into what this has to offer. It mentions how

animals particularly sea life will be affected, and it will have a major affect on the food chain. As

you can see once again global warming has become more abundant in the modern day, and

although people might speculate and n0t believe the proof is in the article, and the facts have

been building in my blogs. All i can say is better get your sun screen people cause its about to be

hot out a bit sooner!!!

Did You Know

This video was fascinating!

Its amazing to see how the world today is truly affected by the internet. From radios to TV, and now the internet it has reached virtually everyone in the world. This is incredible because our world can now keep in touch. The timnes have certainly changed, and who knows whats next. My favorite part of the video was the quote that said the time it took to watch this video 67 babies were born in America. lol amazing. I am staring to really enjoy blogging and the internet is truly a friend of mine.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

5 Reasons to Read This Blog!!!!!

(article here)
(image from flickr)

Wow hello again and thanks for reading up on my blogs. For those of you who are new. This is about a serious issue knows as "Global Warming". I have given quite a few examples of this and how it effects the world, but nothing quite like this. Please click the link you will be very surprised to see what information it holds. Out of all the reasons why we should be concerned with this topic here are 5 which i'm sure will make you just as concerned as I am. I will mention one that hopefully will get you to look at the rest. .

"Green house gases stay can stay in the atmosphere for an amount of years ranging from decades to hundreds and thousands of years. No matter what we do, global warming is going to have some effect on Earth. Here are the 5 deadliest effects of global warming."

"5. Spread of disease
As northern countries warm, disease carrying insects migrate north, bringing plague and disease with them. Indeed some scientists believe that in some countries thanks to global warming, malaria has not been fully eradicated."

Again the other 4 are just are serious, and i would appreciate it if you were to view them and give some comments. Thank you again

The Gift And the Curse

(article on temp)
(image from flickr)

As we continue on our journey through the warm climate issues of global warming i found it only right to discuss the issues of temperature changes. This particular issue is the green house effect. This is caused by humans.

"Greenhouse Gases
The increase in greenhouse gases caused by human activity is often cited as one of the major causes of global warming. These greenhouse gases reabsorb heat reflected from the Earth's surface, thus trapping the heat in our atmosphere. This natural process is essential for life on Earth because it plays an important role in regulating the Earth's temperature. However, over the last several hundred years, humans have been artificially increasing the concentration of these gases, mainly carbon dioxide and methane in the Earth's atmosphere. These gases build up and prevent additional thermal radiation from leaving the Earth, thereby trapping excess heat." (found in article).

It is a sad situation that we have put ourselves in. On one end alot of the things done to cause the green house gasses our things we do in our daily lives such as driving or using hairspray. On the other end life without these things would seem very difficult and stressful to most of us. This is what i would like to refer to as the Gift and the curse. Please review the article, and leave comments please thank you.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Any Questions?????

(web link to view based on my blog)
(image taken from flickr)

The link i posted to me is significant because it is exactly what are all thinking. All of us i'm sure have questions to ask about global warming. This web site i found to be very helpful, in showing a broad array of questions in dealing with the world wide concern a.k.a "global warming'". "One of the most vigorously debated topics on Earth is the issue of climate change, and the National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS) data centers are central to answering some of the most pressing global change questions that remain unresolved." This is a fact, and hopefully after looking at this some of the questions you might have about this topic Can be answered. i chose this again to help spread the awareness of global warming.

A map of The Future?

(a world climate map)
(image from flickr)
This i feel is a perfect example of how global warming is actually changing the climate and the world. This again as i have mentioned before is a very alarming and concerning topic. I have posted this map with a link above to show exactly what i mean. Please take a look at this, and understand the seriousness of this situation. "The map of early warning signs clearly illustrates the global nature of climate changes." "Although factors other than climate may have intensified the severity of some of the events on the map, scientists predict such problems will increase if emissions of heat-trapping gases are not brought under control." These are quotes from the article mentioned below the map link. I have posted these to hopefully catch your interest, and maybe inspire to you to actually look at the map link i have posted. Thank you.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

How are animals being affected by global warming?

(animals article)
(Flicker pic)

For those of you who don't realize how animals are being affected by global warming, please review this website. It breaks down all the different animals and how their daily lives can and have been affected by global warming. The reason why this is important is because alot of these animals that are being affected such as the polar bear "posted above", can only remain in cold climates. Quite a few of these animals are already endagered, and It would be a shame to lose another race of animal, as we have already lost so many due to various reasons. Any comments would be greatly appreciated thank you.

Global Warming

(ny times)
(flickr pic)

This article stresses the fact that global warming is real and should be taken very seriously. The reason i choose this article is the fact that it raises the point that global warming can in fact have been caused by humans. If this is so i know i would like to know a little more about it, and i hope you would too. If the weather continues to increase as it has been many things are going to change from the life of animals to how we live our daily lives. It is a very important social issue that should be discussed, and hopefully these blogs will open peoples eyes and minds to the situation at hand. Thank you and i look forward to hearing some responses.